The refurbishment of - high value - faulty repairable spares is of considerable economic importance for the companies.
Broken products, missing parts and messy returns; these are a major drain on any companies profitability and a major strain on your customer relationships. A timely, hassle-free replacement or repair can result in a customer even more loyal to your brand than before. Also, a quick turn-around of refurbished products or parts can significantly lower costs and positively impact your bottom line.
TLIPL ensures you have the inventory visibility and efficiency that is crucial to service profitably.
In this scenario, a spare part would be procured and installed in the function location as an equipment. Serial numbers can also be assigned to the procured material. These repairable spare parts can be identified with different valuation types like New (C1), Repaired (C2), and Damaged (C3) with corresponding cost assignments.
When there is a malfunction of the installed equipment, it would be dismantled from the functional location and a spare part / equipment can be withdrawn and installed at the functional location. The defective equipment would be returned as damaged item to the warehouse (Valuation type C3). The stock in the warehouse would be automatically updated (Valuation types) and with corresponding cost.
This scenario consists of the following steps: